I wrote a couple days ago about a death row inmate in Georgia, who was on the verge of execution. Yesterday, Troy Anthony Davis had his final hearing with the Georgia state parole board and they announced they would postpone his execution, which was to take place at 7 PM tonight, for 90 days. Saying, "Those representing Troy Anthony Davis have asserted that they can and will present live witnesses and other evidence to the members of the board to support their contention that there remains some doubt as to his guilt." Most excitingly they went on to say that the board "will not allow an execution to proceed in this state unless and until its members are convinced that there is no doubt as to the guilt of the accused." And if you examine the links I have in my previous post I find it hard to believe any rational person would not come the the conclusion that their are significant doubts in this case. It’s a good day when justice prevails, a good day.
In other news, we had a team of 11 arrive from Illinois to spend the week here. Today they painted, tore up a floor, got to go to the park with the kids, and learned about the inner city. They’re a fun group and I don’t mind the fact that all of the sudden the population of this house has soared from one to twelve.
Things will continue to be increasingly busy as we have all our normal activities continuing on, plus the team being here, plus we are prepping for a trip with the neighborhood kids to New Orleans that leaves on Saturday, and finally, I am teaching at our weekly Youth Night this Thursday, so sometime in there I need to squeeze in preparation time for that. FUN! (I actually mean that).
Bye friends.
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