Sunday, June 23, 2013

Grace Bombing #1

I am fully convinced that the Christian's greatest need is to remember. To be reminded. To be reset.

The promises already true of those who follow Christ are staggering.

Adoption. Identification. Redemption. Sanctification. Co-crucifixion. And on and on.

In Christ, we already have everything we will ever need. So, why do things feel so hard, so often? Because we forget. We live as if those promises were not . . . promises.

So, over the past two months I've taken to a practice I call "grace bombing". When I am alerted to one of these truths myself, I swoop in from above and via text message drops these "bombs" on friends of mine all across the country and the world, so they too may be reminded.

I'm going to start sharing them regularly here as well. I pray that you (and I!) would be rooted in these truth. That we would acknowledge them as facts by faith and live into them. So, without further pontification.
As you go into this week: Take the gospel seriously, you aren't just covered by Jesus, you're changed. You have a new identity. You are a new creation. You don't wear a robe of righteousness that merely hides your sinfulness, your sinfulness has been changed. In Christ, you're righteous.
(Source: Romans 5:1, Romans 5:10, Romans 6:18, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:10, Hebrews 2:11)