Where were we?
Death? Resurrection? Wait, weren't we talking about zombies?
Not quite, but I understand the confusion.
I'm back, so let's recap.
Death: An inescapable reality in a world broken by sin. The mortality rate is 100% and more deeply, this word isn't just the physical decay and decomposition all things are subject to, but biblically death is also a spiritual reality for those separated from God.
Resurrection: Not death. A reality in a world where sin has been defeated and done away with. Specifically speaking of the resurrection of one man (Jesus), but also speaking to a future reality for all who are "in Christ", a reality that they will rise from physical death and never experience alienation from God (again, this doesn't mean zombies).
In this verse, Paul is pointing to redemption. And a beautiful symmetry in that redemption.
Man's decision to walk away from God is the negative side of the redemption.
God's action to enter the world as man and set humankind right with God is the positive side of the redemption.
Man is on each side of the equation.
On one side, man's folly. On the other, the faultless man.
On one side, enslaved man. On the other, fully free man.
On one side, man who destroys. On the other, man who creates.
The divergent symmetry is profound.
Man's redemption required a human element, so man is on each side. Yet, the redeemed man, Christ, is far greater than the combined weight of all the sin created by humankind.
Which leads me to a question: Who do I think I am?!
I'm on the left side of this equation. I'm in the folly, weak, destructive category. Yet, for some reason, I think my problems are big!?
Somehow, I think, that the man of the right side, the faultless, free, creating Man cannot handle, redeem, fix, and overcome my issues?
That's foolishness. Of course he can handle them.
Moreso, not only has he promised to work all those things out (Romans 8:28), he's transferred me. I've been moved from the left side to the right side.
From slave to free.
From dead to alive.
From helpless to empowered.
From condemned to adopted son.
"I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life" John 5:24
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